MST300 (Mica sensorboard)
The MST300 sensorboard can be attached to the MicaZ nodes. Drivers are in tos/sensorboards/mts300. A sample application is in apps/tests/mica2/mts300. It needs a few modifications to run on our mtoes/sensorboards. Note that the drivers are not in the rpm-packaged sources, so cvs version is needed. Furthermore, the example is using a slightly different interface than the one described below.
The connector on the mica platform is a major source of trouble. To check that the board is indeed properly connected to the mote, it is a good idea to regularly turn on and off the sounder. Just turning it on is not sufficient, as it keeps beeping even after being turned off in software if the sensorboard is not properly attached. Furthermore, there might be a good connection between the board and the mote, but once you relase pressure on the board/mote the connection might break.
For compiling, the SENSORBOARD variable has to be set
SENSORBOARD=mts300 make micaz
The sensorboard provides following sensors/devices
- Temperature Sensor (???)
Drivers are in tos/sensorboards/mts300, component TempC
Using this sensor/component seems to hang the mote sometimes, or at least prevent it from blinking the leds and sending packets over the radio. Furthremore, no usefull temperature readings have been obtained from the sensor yet. Either there are no readings or the readings are constant, ingoring the changing environment temperature.
- Light Sensor (???)
Drivers are in tos/sensorboards/mts300, component PhotoC
- Acoustic Sensor (microphone) (???)
Drivers are in tos/sensorboards/mts300, component MicC
- Buzzer (speaker) (???)
Drivers are in tos/sensorboards/mts300, component SounderC The sounder can be controlled using the start and stop functions.
cofiguration BlinkAppC {} implementation { ... components SounderC ... BlinkC.Sounder -> SounderC ...
module BlinkC { ... uses interface StdControl as Sounder; ... } implementation { ... call Sounder.stop(); ... call Sounder.stop(); ...
To also use the MTS300 sensorboard with the micaz do
SENSORBOARD=mts300 make micaz install mib510,/dev/ttyUSB0